Broomhill School Ladybirds

Just another – Aberdeen site

March 4, 2016
by User deactivated

Spring is just around the corner!

On Tuesday the children had lots of fun playing and developing their gross motor skills on the wheeled toys.

Whilst we were outside in the nursery garden some of the children helped to move bulbs and plants to containers. This will make space for the new equipment which should enhance the learning opportunities for our children.

The children always enjoy sensory play so this week we made cloud dough. It involved lots of measuring and team work. The dough was silky, stretchy and had a lovely smell.

On Wednesday we could not go to the Woodies as we did not have enough volunteers to help. Instead we went out to the Wildlife Garden. The children had fun playing with ribbons and hoops. The gate looked good as the children chose to weave the ribbons in and out of the bars. There was a lot of learning with counting and matching numbers on the spotty ladybird stones. Also we were happy to see some children continue their learning about time. Please add your name to our sign up sheet if you can help on Woodies Wednesday. If you have not already signed up we are sure you will enjoy the experience!

We celebrated Loreta’s birthday on Thursday. Thank you for the delicious Paw Patrol cake.🐶

Today the P6/7 children came to read our favourite story books. When they were finished they enjoyed playing with the nursery children.

Finally we hope you like the cards and flower faces we made to celebrate Mother’s Day!

February 28, 2016
by User deactivated

A Busy TIME!


This week we have been learning about o’clock. The children have been  investigating the numbers on clocks and thinking about the long and short hands. Of course we have enjoyed playing the game ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’

There has been a strong interest in pirates so we have been learning pirates songs and listening to fiction stories involving pirates. We have been making pirate hats by following instruction cards.

Ziggy arrived in nursery this week after a long journey in outer space  and we have been helping him to understand good ways to look after yourself when out and about near roads. Eilidh was picked to look after Ziggy when we went to the Woodies and she has taken him home to take on a special walk. All the children in the nursery will have the chance to take Ziggy home and to make a record of a special walk. We will be happy if you take photos of Ziggy on his adventures!



Happy 4th Birthday to Oona and Eilidh! We enjoyed your Frozen birthday cake, thank you!


February 12, 2016
by User deactivated

Measuring and Journeys

At the Woodies on Wednesday we used measuring tapes to measure round trees, between trees and even ourselves. We talked about longer and shorter.





We took our own and the nursery cars for a journey on a very large piece of paper. We talked about our journey as the pen recorded it. What a lot of interesting places we went to! Look out for our creation on the nursery wall.


We hope you like your Valentine cards which the children enjoyed making. We tried very hard to write our names inside them.

We will see you all back at nursery on Thursday, have a lovely mid-term break.

February 8, 2016
by User deactivated

Another busy week

On Woodies Wednesday the children enjoyed having a mud kitchen. Lots of interesting dishes were created. Very messy but absolutely loads of fun was had!!

One of our children asked the question, “Why can’t humans fly?” This has led us into investigating forces. We made birds and flying dinosaurs which we took out to the Wildlife Garden to test.

We also had fun playing with the spaceship bubble making machine.

On Friday we performed our space journey music for the first time. The children chose instruments to represent different aspects of a journey into space! We all had to listen and play our instruments at the right time.

Today is Chinese New Year and we celebrated by making lanterns and fans. Thank you to Isabella who helped her friends make their lanterns. We listened to the story of how the years are named after different animals. Our Chinese restaurant is open for bookings!! For snack we had rice with sweet and sour sauce. Yummy!

Happy new year of the monkey to everyone🐒


February 1, 2016
by User deactivated

Bagpipes and Birds

On Thursday we had a visit from Jake’s Grandpa. He brought along his bagpipes for us to see. We discovered that the bag is made of goat skin and we learned the names for all the parts that make up a set of bagpipes. Jake had a turn of blowing in the chanter but he did not have enough puff to make a sound! We listened to a tune, it was very loud but we clapped and danced to the music. It was so much fun and we learned a lot of new information. Lots of us were so enthusiastic we decided that we would like to learn to play the bagpipes when we are older.

Our Scottish week finished when we acted out the poem of ‘To a Mouse’. It was lots of fun to make the noises of the plough and the wind! Matthew dressed up as the farmer and Lucas was the mouse.

Today we took part in the Big British Bird Watch. We went to the Woodies in small groups to count the birds we could see. We took bird food and some bread to feed the birds. We had to be very quiet and when we saw a bird we recorded it on a tick sheet. When we returned to nursery we had to add up all the totals which gave us some big numbers. We will send our numbers to the RSPB. Thank you to Sandy’s Mum for helping us this morning.

Jessica said,”We saw seagulls and blackbirds but not robins.” Sonny said, “I seen a blackbird and a pigeon and a seagull and a dog.” Orla said,”We feeded them seeds but they didn’t come to eat it.” Nicol said,”Well we were looking for birds and we were using the binoculars to see the birds.”

January 25, 2016
by User deactivated

Burns Celebrations

Today we were celebrating the birthday of Robert Burns. We listened to the poem, ‘To a Moose’ and made our own little field mice.





We joined up with the butterflies nursery to dance to Scottish music. Our gentlemen were very good at taking care of their dancing partners.



We listened to the ‘Selkirk Grace’ and ate haggis, neeps and tatties for snack which proved to be quite popular as you can see from our pictogram.




We finished our celebrations by tapping our sticks along to different pieces of Scottish music. What a busy nursery today!

Happy Burns Night if you are having your own celebrations!



January 18, 2016
by User deactivated

A busy week with the Ladybirds.

We were busy last week, our learning was linked to the theme of space. Thank you to everyone who collected the boxes which we used to make our space rockets.We are busy creating and designing our ‘space bus’ which the children are enjoying making. We have talked about the astronaut Tim Peake and learned some new space counting rhymes.

Jessica and Sandy helped Kathleen to bake star shortbread biscuits which we enjoyed for our snack.


At gym we were bouncing and catching small balls. We played a game of sticky aliens when we had to rescue our friends who were stuck in the alien’s slime. We also played ‘dodge the planet’.

At the Woodies on Wednesday, along with our friends from the butterflies nursery, lots of children made bird feeders using Cheerios and pipe cleaners. We are going to investigate other ways of feeding the birds during the cold months. We have also signed up to take part in the RSPB ‘Big Garden Watch’ at the end of January. We will be learning to identify some common garden birds before then.



January 11, 2016
by User deactivated

Welcome back

Everyone took a book bag home on Friday with a library book to read at home. Please return bags on Friday so children can choose a new library book.

Please sign up to help with our outdoor learning at the Woodies. We need two helpers every Wednesday.

We are looking for junk to help us make spaceships, please collect and drop off at nursery.


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