On Thursday we had a visit from Jake’s Grandpa. He brought along his bagpipes for us to see. We discovered that the bag is made of goat skin and we learned the names for all the parts that make up a set of bagpipes. Jake had a turn of blowing in the chanter but he did not have enough puff to make a sound! We listened to a tune, it was very loud but we clapped and danced to the music. It was so much fun and we learned a lot of new information. Lots of us were so enthusiastic we decided that we would like to learn to play the bagpipes when we are older.
Our Scottish week finished when we acted out the poem of ‘To a Mouse’. It was lots of fun to make the noises of the plough and the wind! Matthew dressed up as the farmer and Lucas was the mouse.
Today we took part in the Big British Bird Watch. We went to the Woodies in small groups to count the birds we could see. We took bird food and some bread to feed the birds. We had to be very quiet and when we saw a bird we recorded it on a tick sheet. When we returned to nursery we had to add up all the totals which gave us some big numbers. We will send our numbers to the RSPB. Thank you to Sandy’s Mum for helping us this morning.
Jessica said,”We saw seagulls and blackbirds but not robins.” Sonny said, “I seen a blackbird and a pigeon and a seagull and a dog.” Orla said,”We feeded them seeds but they didn’t come to eat it.” Nicol said,”Well we were looking for birds and we were using the binoculars to see the birds.”