Broomhill School P7 Room 22

The Great Wave By Hokusai


Last week we were learning about the Great Wave off Kanagawa. We were recreating the Great Wave print. We started by watching a video to learn how to draw the outline of the wave. After that we coloured in the wave with blue stripes. Then we painted the background with water colours. After that we dabbed white paint onto the top of the wave and Mount Fuji. Finally we painted the boats brown and added more detail. They all turned out great!


For our writing this week we came up with our own stories linked to the Great Wave off Kanagawa. We read a story based on the Great Wave for inspiration. First we did a warm up in pairs, some pairs stayed together for writing the actual story. The stories all were very different but they all had the wave in it at some point. The partners all typed up their stories and them out so they could make them into booklets that were displayed on the wall.


We also learned about the Fibonacci sequence which is a sequence of numbers. the numbers are 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21… The secret is you add the last two numbers of the sequence to get the next number. We found out the Fibonacci spiral was linked to the Great Wave. We drew pictures of the great Wave with the Fibonacci spiral in it.
After we finished we put them on our display outside of the classroom.


By Erin & Cara

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