Northfield Secondary School opened on 27 August 1956 with a roll of 479 students in the first two years of a Secondary course and 34 members of staff under the leadership of its first Headmaster, James S M Eddison, who served in this position till June 1962. With Seven headmasters we have conducted an interview with the present Head Teacher Mr Hendry about the schools 60th anniversary to see what he thinks about it and what he has planned. In 2006 the school celebrated its 50th anniversary, activities happened throughout the year including a production of Oliver and a Pop Idol Concert. The librarian Mrs Wilson had also produced a 50th anniversary commemorative book in 2006 about Northfield Academy.

From the interview conducted with Mr Hendry we were able to find out that the current badge is being branded with the 60th anniversary which will be able to be bought soon, we also found out that Northfield Academy will have their own tartan which when properly finished will be available to buy as merchandise such as scarfs.

Finally we asked some seniors what they thought about the 60th anniversary they said they were very excited about and it would bring the school closer and give the seniors a big exciting good bye from their school.
Check back later to find out what Mr Hendry said.
For more information about the 60th anniversary keep checking the Northfield Academy website.
Former pupil, left in 1986. A Northfield tartan would be fantastic. Especially a tie (I wear a suit for work down here in York).
Keeping up with the exciting news and interest of the 60th Anniversary Celebration ..
Please tell me where I can purchase a Northfield Academy tartan scarf??
Regards Patricia Rennie