Loch Eil

The week beginning 29th February saw the S1 pupils head out to Loch Eil. The first trip to Loch Eil was 1W1 and 1W2 with some S3 pupils who were doing an expedition and some S2 pupils to help us. They did lots of exciting activities such as – the Jog and dip, climbing the side of Ben Nevis and crate stack.



From Wednesday 2nd March 1S1, 1S2 and 1M1 went to Loch Eil when 1W1 and 1W2 came back to Aberdeen. When they were there they did canoeing, jog and dip and the “wee wall.”

Before the groups went back on the bus to go home they did a clan challenge and a presentation on what we enjoyed and what we learned at Loch Eil.


Here is PC Minty after the Jog and Dip


Getting ready for the Jog and Dip


Doing the “wee wall”


Getting ready for the Jog and Dip