P5 Homework w/b 01/10/18

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P5 Homework w/b 1/10/18                

Homework due: Friday 5/10/18


Copy each word in your spelling list out 3 times using the method look, say, cover, write and check. Choose one spelling activity from the booklet or make up your own!           



Ask an adult or somebody older than you that has lived in your community (e.g. Kincorth) or the City of Aberdeen about how the area has changed over time. Note any interesting findings in your jotter.


  • We are learning about time in P5. Here are some useful links to online resources to try at home.





Big Maths Targets

C – I can understand 3 digit numbers.

L – 8Xtable (counting by 8s)

I – I  can double and halve 3 digit numbers.

C – I can solve 1digit X 2digit.

Some useful resources to support learners:





Homework w/b 17.9.18

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P5 Homework w/b 17/9/18                

Homework due: Thursday 20/9/18


Copy each word in your spelling list out 3 times using the method look, say, cover, write and check. Choose one spelling activity from the booklet or make up your own!           


Draw or write three examples of events/activities that take place during AM hours.

Draw or write three examples of events/activities that take place during PM hours.


Big Maths Targets

C – I can partition a 2 decimal place number.

L – 8Xtable (counting by 8s)

I – I can add thousands.

C – I can subtract with 3 digit numbers.

Some useful resources to support learners:



Homework w/b 10.9.18


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P5 Homework w/b 10/9/18                

Homework due: Friday 14/9/18


Copy each word in your spelling list out 3 times using the method look, say, cover, write and check. Choose one spelling activity from the booklet or make up your own!           


Look around your house. What different things can you find that require us to use our concept of time. This includes the time of day, day of the week, month, and year? Draw 3 examples.

e.g a calendar displaying the day/date/month.

     a digital clock that displays the time.

Big Maths Targets

C – I can read 3 digit numbers.

L – 8Xtable (counting by 8s)

I – I can swap objects and units of measure.

C – I can solve 3 digit+ 3 digit.

Some useful resources to support learners:






Homework wb 3.9.18


Homework due: Friday 7/9/18


Copy each word in your spelling list out 3 times using the method look, say, cover, write and check. Choose one spelling activity from the booklet or make up your own!           


Please complete times tables challenge sheet attached.

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