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Literacy Homework – 08.11.21

Primary 1 Literacy Homework

Letter Sounds

This week our letter sounds are g and o. Letter g homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter o homework should be completed by Friday.

Common Words

Please continue to revise the first 12 common words on the word wall in the white book. Words for this week are to and do. Please complete the common word homework for Thursday. You may need to help your child to write the number after counting the words together. They can also try to write the words.


We will continue reading on a Monday and Thursday. With each new set of books the children will get new words in their word pot. These can be used for matching to the words in the reading books, and recognising and reading when they are able.

Primary 2 Literacy Homework


This week our diagraph is qu. Practice spelling the words in your red homework book and write them out at least 2 times each. This week can you try to write a sentence using at least 2 of your spelling words.

Common Words

Please continue to practise the common words in your word pot. This week our common words are to and do.

Literacy Homework

Primary 1 Literacy Homework

Now we have completed the second 6 letter sounds – c/k, e, h, r, m and d. This week in school we will revise these sounds and do some activities to consolidate them. Matching pictures to their initial sound, forming the letter sounds and thinking of things which start with the letter sounds. We can now also start to form words using these letter sounds, along with the first 6 sounds – red, hen, mat, hat etc.

For homework try to make some of these words together at home using the individual letter sounds in the yellow envelope at the front of the pink book. This is the start of blending where we say the sounds together to read the word.

Common Words

Every week in school the children will be introduced to two common words. These will be revised daily and displayed in the classroom. Our aim is for the children to recognise and be able to read the words. They can be reinforced at home by completing the common word homework for Thursday each week. Words for this week are her and his. You may need to help your child to write the number after counting the words together. They can also try to write the words.

Primary 2 Literacy Homework


This week our diagraph is ng. We learned that ng comes in the middle of words or at the end of words like ringing or ring. Practice spelling the words in your red homework book and write them out at least 2 times each. This week can you try to write a sentence using at least 2 ng words.

Common Words

Please continue to practise the common words in your word pot. This week our common words are be and was.


Literacy Homwork

Welcome back.  I hope you all had a lovely break!

Primary 1 Literacy Homework

Letter Sounds

This week our letter sounds are m and d. Letter m homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter d homework should be completed by Friday.

Common Words

Please continue to revise the first 12 common words on the word wall in the white book. Words for this week are did and him. Please complete the common word homework for Thursday. You may need to help your child to write the number after counting the words together. They can also try to write the words.

Primary 2 Literacy Homework


This week our diagraph is th. We say th in different ways, think how it sounds at end of a word like ‘with‘ compared to how it sounds at the start of a word like ‘then’. Practice spelling the words in your red homework book and write them out at least 2 times each. This week can you try to write a sentence using at least 2 th words.

Common Words

Please continue to practise the common words in your word pot. This week our common words are me and we.


Term 2 Overview

Welcome to term 2 everyone, I hope you had a lovely October break!

This term we have lots of exciting things to learn!


In literacy we will continue to work on our single sounds in P1 and our diagraphs in P2. Reading will also follow the usual format. Our focus for writing this term is narrative and Christmas themed.


In numeracy for P1 we will continue to work with numbers within 10, including correct number formation. We will then move on to addition later in the term.

For P2 we will be working with numbers within 100 including place value and addition/subtraction within 20.

For both P1 and P2 our topic maths will focus on data handling as well as estimation and rounding.


In term 2 we are finishing off the Our Community topic. We will then have a one week mini-topic looking at COP26 and Climate Change followed by our festive-favourite Showtime!

Health and Wellbeing

Our HWB focus in term 2 is on Core Values such as fairness, honesty and responsibility. In PE we are focusing on movement including things like running, jumping, speed etc.


This term we will be looking at Christianity and Christian Holidays. We will also learn about the Hindu festival Diwali and the Jewish festival Hanukkah.

Modern Languages and Music

The children will continue to work with Mrs Gilmore for French and Mr Smith for Music.


As you can see it will be a busy and exciting term for us, I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together.



Welcome to our class blog!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our Room 2 blog. Keep checking our blog regularly to find out what we are working on in class.

This term we have loved getting to know each other and exploring our Caring Citizens topic. We have looked at the  UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) and created our class charter. We have also explored what it means to be a bucket filler, which is a very important skill. Your child should have brought home more information on this in their book bag.

In maths, our topics have been pattern and shape this term.  We have also started working on our CLIC numeracy targets and weekly Beat That challenges with the primary 2 pupils. Our targets that we are working on each will be posted on our blog. Support with these targets is greatly appreciated and makes a big difference to their confidence in class. The P2 children complete a Big Maths test every Friday in class.

In literacy, for our writing focus this term we have been working on recounts. We have done some ‘Weekend News’ writing with the P2 pupils where the children write a recount of what they did at the weekend. They have been encouraged to focus on core targets such as letter formation, capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and using connectives such as ‘and’ in their writing. We have also worked on verbal recounts with all pupils. The P1’s have additionally been focusing on their letter formation and writing common words

For reading, we are delighted to now be able to send books home on a more regular basis. The P1  children are receiving two books a week, issued on a Monday and Thursday and the P2  pupils receive two books a week, issued on a Monday and Wednesday. Please sign inside their pink jotter to let us know you have had an opportunity to read their books together.  The pupils have also been issued with word pots, these are to help with their recognition of common words. Please try to practice these words regularly with your child.

We have also been enjoying regular opportunities for outdoor learning. Please can you ensure that your child has a pair of indoor shoes in school, it is greatly appreciated.

Please can I also ask you to ensure that your child brings their book bag to school everyday.  We have really appreciated the engagement with our various homework tasks so far this year and have loved seeing the difference that it is already making to their confidence in class.

I am really looking forward to all of the great fun we’re going to have this year!

Miss Allardyce