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Scottish Food Tasting

We had a great time tasting some Scottish foods ahead of Burns’ Night celebrations. We tasted:

  • Haggis and/or vegetarian haggis
  • Mashed neeps
  • Strawberries
  • Shortbread
  • Irn Bru

We rated each food we tried and lots of us really enjoyed some things that we didn’t expect to!

Term 3 Overview

Welcome to term 3 everyone, I hope you had a lovely winter break!

This term we are going to be working on lots of exciting things across the curriculum!


In literacy we will finish covering the single sounds in P1 before moving on to beginning to learn diagraphs.  In P2 we continue to work through diagraphs and will be introduced to ‘Magic ‘e’ which is a really helpful concept when learning to read unfamiliar words! Reading will also follow the usual format. In writing we will be introducing a number of formats:

  • alliteration
  • poetry
  • descriptive writing


In numeracy for P1 we will be working on numbers to 20 , including correct number formation. We will then continue to work on addition and introduce subtraction later in the term.

For P2 we will continue to work.= with numbers within 100. We will be learning about fact families, multiplication and division.

For both P1 and P2 our topic maths will focus on multiples, fractions and chance & uncertainty.


We will continue to work on CLIC targets in class, increasing the number of targets for the P1 pupils. P2’s will continue to complete Beat That Maths Challenges and CLIC Challenges on Fridays.


In term 2 we will be looking at Scotland as our first topic, finishing of with a mini topic on a Famous Scot. Following that we have a Design and Technology topic.

Health and Wellbeing

Our HWB focus in term 2 is on courage and emotions. We will also be learning about food and health, linking in with our Scotland topic and our science topics. In PE we will continue to do lots of active movement activities, and include some Scottish dancing!


This term we will have a focus on science. We are going to learn about our senses, inheritance, taking care of our bodies and the skeleton/organs. 

Modern Languages and Music

The children will continue to work with Mrs Gilmore for French and Mr Smith for Music.


Homework is going to follow the same format as previous terms.

P1s will get a reading book home on Mondays and Thursdays. Their pink books will contain homework linked to their sound/diagraph of the week and will go home on Mondays and Wednesdays. Common word homework goes home on a Monday and is due in on Thursday.

Please continue to check word pots – the P1 pots get words added in when they are introduced in their reading book.

P2s will get reading books home on Mondays and Wednesdays. They will get spelling homework on Mondays in their red jotters linked to the sound they are learning in class each week (if possible, I will send this home on Fridays to give you some extra time over the weekend). Words should be copied out twice each and a sentence should be written at the bottom of the page containing at least 2 of their words for the week.  This is due on Fridays. On Friday we complete a spelling test in class at the back of the red jotter.


As you can see it’s shaping up to be a really busy and exciting term!

Literacy Homework – 15.11.21

Primary 1 Literacy Homework

Letter Sounds

This week our letter sounds are u and l. Letter u homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter l homework should be completed by Friday.

Common Words

Please continue to revise the first 12 common words on the word wall in the white book. Words for this week are had and so. Please complete the common word homework for Thursday. You may need to help your child to write the number after counting the words together. They can also try to write the words.


We will continue reading on a Monday and Thursday. With each new set of books the children will get new words in their word pot. These can be used for matching to the words in the reading books, and recognising and reading when they are able.

Primary 2 Literacy Homework


This week our diagraph is ar. The ar sound can appear at the beginning, middle or end of words! Practice spelling the words in your red homework book and write them out at least 2 times each. This week can you try to write a sentence using at least 2 of your spelling words.

Common Words

Please continue to practise the common words in your word pot. This week our common words are all and are.