Please return all Easter competition entries and raffle ticket money by Monday 28th March. Winners will be announced later this week.
Friday is pyjama day – children should wear their pyjamas to school and bring a donation. Friday is also treat snack day.
School finishes for the Easter Holidays at 3pm on Friday. We return on Monday 18th April.
Hope you all have a lovely Easter.

Letter Sounds
We have now completed all the letter sounds for Primary 1. This week we will revise all the single sounds and digraphs. Homework for this week is to make any words containing the sounds qu, ou, oi, ue, er and ar.

Common Words
Please continue to use the word walls in the white homework book to revise the sight vocabulary. The 4th word wall is now stuck in, with our last 12 words. Words for this week are then and that. Please complete the common word homework for Thursday by counting and writing each word.

Reading continues on Monday this week and the reading books will be taken in on Thursday for the holidays.
This week we continue to learn about fractions and will be looking at halving amounts. e.g. half of 4 is 2, half of 10 is 5. Please see the CLIC post for numeracy homework ideas.