Welcome to Primary 4!

Dear Families,

Welcome to Primary 4! I am really looking forward to an exciting year ahead and am delighted with how well the children are settling in already! We have spent the first few weeks assessing the children and forming groups and we’re now ready to begin reading and spelling homework.

Reading – Children will need their reading books at school every day. Please fill in the Home Reading Record in their Home/School notebook to confirm that your child has done their reading homework each day. Please spend time listening to your child read aloud and discuss the text with them.

Spelling – On Mondays, your child will bring home a list of spelling words in their Homework jotter. They must copy out each word in their jotter three times, write two sentences using their words and practise for their spelling assessment on Fridays. The children have until Friday to complete the written part of their spelling but I would encourage them to practise the words all week. Incomplete homework will be finished on Friday afternoons. We did our first week of spelling homework in class to show an example of what is expected. Please ensure your child prints neatly.

Education City, Reading Wise and Sumdog – Children are encouraged to access these websites at home. Your child’s logins can be found in their Home/School notebook.

Things to remember:

  • Children must have a pair of indoor/gym shoes to be kept in school.
  • A gym kit will be needed for PE sessions on Wednesday afternoons. Mrs Forbes will be teaching the children from 11:30-3:00 on Wednesdays.
  • An apron or old shirt would be useful for craft/messy activities.
  • Spelling Test and Big Maths results will be recorded in the Home/School notebook each Friday for you to see how your child is getting on.


  • We will use the Home/School notebook as our main method of communication. If you have any information you would like to pass on to me, please write a note in the book at any time.
  • Marvellous Me, Blog and Google Classroom – Marvellous Me, our Class Blog and Google Classroom are now  up and running. I will try to post regularly to show what we’ve been getting up to in class. Please ensure that you have access to these.

If you have any questions or queries at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you all!

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