Week beginning 18.4.17

Welcome back to the last term of the session. Hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday.


Reading – The children will get 1 new book this week on Thursday.


Big Maths


C – Counting in multiples of 3

L –    5+4=9    5+6=11   6+7=13   8+7=15   8+9=17

–  Fact families – write given 1 addition fact

C – Subtraction 2 digit – 1 digit counting back from larger number


Our focus for other maths work this week is number and place value. We will be counting in hundreds, tens and units and thinking about ordering numbers.



French – This week we will revise number, colour and days/months.



Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is ir as in bird and first. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then. Some of the children have an extra spelling challenge again in their homework book.

You can see how your child got on with last term’s spelling at the back of the homework book.

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