P1 CLIC resources

Linking to our term 3 overview, here are some resources to support the upcoming CLIC targets.

As a reminder, the targets are as follows:

Saying numbers 1 I can count up to 10
Reading Numbers 1 I can read 2d numbers
CORE Numbers 1 I can understand numbers up to 10. (Show visually number stories e.g. 5 = 3+2, 2+3, 4+1, 1+4 etc)
Actual Counting 2,3,4,5 I can count 4 objects.

I can count 5 objects.

I can count 6 objects.

I can count 10 objects

Counting on 1 I can count on and back 1 (e.g what is 1 more/ less than…)
Learn Its
Schedule 1

Schedule 2

1+1, 2+2

3+3, 4+4, 5+5

It’s Nothing New
Doubling/ halving 1 I can double 1d numbers
Addition 1, 2 I know when to add something

I know to find the total

Subtraction 1,2 I know when to subtract something

I know to find how many are left

Division 1 I can give out objects fairly

These resources can be used to reinforce our CLIC targets at home.





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