Term 2 Overview

We have another busy term coming up in P1. Here are some of the activities we will be doing this term:


The  children are continuing with the Jolly Phonics program in class. We will cover 2 alphabet sounds most weeks, looking at words beginning with the sound, correct written formation of the letter and using the sound to segment and blend words.

The sets of sounds are as follows:

c/k, e, h, r, m, d

g, o, u, l, f, b

After each set of sounds we will have a consolidation week for practice of all the sounds covered. Homework on these weeks will be word making with the letter sounds.

We will continue with our reading books on a Monday and Wednesday. The children will hear the extended story in school and can then take the book home to read.

Common words from each set of reading books will be put in your child’s word pot. These can be used at home to match to the words in the books or to sight read when your child is able.

We will also practise two common words per week. These are words that appear frequently in texts. These are in the white homework book and should be completed for Thursdays.



We will continue to work on number to 10 in activity books.

We will also be doing lots of verbal counting and learn its 1+1 and 2+2 for the start of Big Maths CLIC sessions .

Our topic maths this term is time and estimation. We will be looking at the sequence of days, months and seasons and telling the time for o’clock times on digital clocks and clock faces. We will be estimating how many and then counting to check.

Learning Across the Curriculum

We will finish our historical topic of The Stone Age in the first two weeks of term.

Our topic for the rest of the term is Showtime, with the main focus being learning the songs and practising with the other classes for our Christmas performance of The Grumpy Sheep.

Health and Wellbeing

We will be using the Bounce Back resilience program. In term 2 we focus on no bullying and relationships.

In PE will be focusing on using small equipment such as bean bags and balls, rolling and balancing and playing games. Our gym day is a Friday. The children can come to school on a Monday wearing clothes suitable for gym and do not need to change into shorts.

Our outdoor learning session with Mr Miller is on Wednesday 14th December.


Our main RME this term will focus on Christianity and the Christmas Story and traditions. We will also learn about the Hindu festival Diwali and the Jewish festival Hanukkah as these are celebrated during term 2.


French will be delivered by Mrs Forsyth every Wednesday.


Music will be delivered by Mr Smith every Thursday.

We will also be taking lots of opportunities to play during our soft starts and at other times throughout the week.

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