Halloween Fun

This week in nursery the children have been having some Halloween Fun.

We came to nursery in fancy dress.

Each class made their own pumpkin lantern, taking great care when using the carving tools.

The children participated in lots of different art and craft activities.

We had great fun trying to eat our dough-rings at snack time!

The children did a great job ducking for their apples.

We hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween.

Hedgehog Bread and Harvest Soup

This week in nursery the children made hedgehog bread and harvest soup for snack.

The children were really proud of how their bread turned out.

The following day the children made harvest soup. They concentrated hard to make sure they cut the vegetables safely.

As you can see the hedgehog bread and harvest soup was a big success and most of the children gave it a big thumbs up.