All posts by Miss Palmer

Week beginning 9.1.23

Happy New Year!!!

It has been lovely to have all the children back this week after the Christmas break!

We are beginning to learn about the whole school topic, Scotland. We have enjoyed playing indoors and outdoors and getting back into the nursery routine this week.

Highlights have included, finding our houses on GoogleMaps, role playing in the hairdressers and making our own tartans.

Week beginning- 14/11/22

This week we have had a shorter week than normal and the weather has stopped us engaging with all of what our outdoor area provides. However we have been very busy exploring our interest in animals, particularly hibernation, talking about relationships – why our friends are our friends, and as always making our own play dough is always a hit.

Week beginning: 7/11/22

We have been exploring the story of the month, Goldilocks and the Three Bears this week. The children have been using porridge in their play outside, dividing it up into three bowls, trying out three chairs t0 find the most comfortable and re-telling the story.

We have been exploring  size and what words we know relating to size.

We have also been developing our fine motor creative side through mark making.

Week beginning 31st of October

It has been lovely seeing all of our ELC children back after the October holidays.  The first week back has been very busy as we have been carving pumpkins, getting creative, wrapping up for the colder weather, exploring fireworks, including the firework safety rules.

The children have also enjoyed creating their own stories using the outdoor story stones, creating their own still life, marking making in flour and having a go at blow painting.

What we have been doing

Week Beginning the 5th September

This week, our story is The Three Little Pigs. The children have engaged in lots of activities creating their own houses and re-telling the stories.

They have enjoyed taking turns as the big bad wolf!

Week beginning 12th September

This week the children have been creating patterns using a wide range of media.

We have also looked at patterns they can see in their environment. Can you see any patterns while out on a walk?

Week Beginning 19th September

This week the children have been exploring colour using  the syringes in the water tray and rolling items through paint on the slide. The children have enjoyed discovering all the different colours they could make.