All posts by Miss Palmer

Week beginning- May 1st 2023

This week we have been looking at how we can take care of our nursery and garden. The children have helped tidy areas and have their say on how they want it to look. Pictures have then been taken to support with tidying up, and following one of the school rules, looking after this place.

We have also been having lots of fun outdoors, making music, planting seeds and playing in the mud kitchen.


Going on a shape hunt

This week we are focusing on shapes within the environment. The children went for a walk to find particular shapes, the mornings group looked for circles while the afternoon  group looked for rectangles. The children took their own photos of the shapes they found. Here is a selection of the ones we noticed:

If you would like to join us on the hunt for shapes, you can play this game on the way to and from nursery and let us know what you find.

Garden development- 17.03.23

This week the children have been focused on developing the garden and having their say on what they would like then helping their teachers to make the improvement. Dens were made up using some of our pallets and bungee cords, which the children have been enjoying, especially with the wet weather.

The children have also helped with make a display for our pots and pans to hang up onto for playing with the mud kitchen, using screws and a screw driver.

Making juice!

Following the interests of the children this week, we made apple juice and orange juice. At the end of last week, the children helped make a shopping list of food items they would like for nursery.

The children then worked together to wash and prepare the fruit for making the juice. It was hard work squeezing the oranges and cutting the apples. The apple juice then needed put through a sieve to divide the liquid from the pulp.

In the afternoon we had a tasting session and recorded if the children liked it or not.