Week 2 Transition

Hello Everyone,


This week for transition we have given you photos of all the Pupil Support Assistants. These friendly staff members help support you at school and also look after you in the playground. They always have a lovely smile and are looking forward to getting to know you.

Our PSA Team.pptx

Challenge Task

Our challenge tasks are all things that will help you to be independent in school. 

Can you blow/ wipe your own nose with a tissue, bin it and wash your hands properly afterwards?


Challenge Question

What do you think you will learn about and do in Primary 1?

*If you can we would love to see a video or a picture of you completing your task. We would also like to hear the answer to our question. These can be uploaded on to your ILD or sent by email.*

Primary 1 Transition

It is hard to think that some of our children will soon be starting Primary 1. This is a very exciting and important time for them as they transition from nursery to Primary 1.

As always we are here to support the children and families through this process. Throughout this term the pre-school children will be participating in many activities that will help prepare them for moving on to school. Please keep checking the blog as we will be posting information and activities that you can use to support your child during this exciting milestone of their life.

This week we have suggestions of activities that you can do at home that will help to prepare your child to be independent and confident in their Primary 1 class. Please click the link below.


The nursery team are available if you have any questions.

Week beginning 2/05/22

This week has been a short week at nursery. However we have still been really busy. We have been embracing the nice weather but also the rain this week. The children have been exploring shadows, the water pipes, digging for worms, playing with the ropes and bowling to name a few.  We have also been keeping a close eye on our caterpillars to look for any changes.

Term 3 Week 5

This week we are looking at a Famous Scot.

We are going to be looking at and exploring the art work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Have you ever seen any of his art?

We will also be continuing to explore our focus number and letter. This week they are:

Letter sound – D

Number – 4

Our Little Big Maths focus will be

A –   understands not enough and too much

– counting and recognition of numbers to 5

– Knowing the last number said is the total amount

L  –  5 fingers and 5 fingers makes 10 fingers



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