All posts by Craig Lawson


We’ve nearly completed our first week. People have been producing some good work at home and have been sharing their photos. Today on Google Classroom there will be some CLIC challenges and two reading activities.

Home learning

The children have been very busy learning at home as well as spending time with their loved ones. Yesterday they completed a character description task, tried some simplifying fractions and had an extract from a book to read.

What has been really good to see has been how encouraging and positive the children have been and it has been great reading their stories and seeing their photos. It has been really helpful for them in this challenging time.


Hi everyone. In CLIC we will be revising some of the key themes we have gone through this term.

C- Partitioning and sequences

L- x and + at speed

I – Multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10

C- Efficient addition and subtraction methods.

For main maths lessons we’ll be revising fractions.

Spellings have been distributed via Google Classroom and some comprehension tasks will be on there too.

Keep well,

Mr Lawson


Home based learning.

As you aware, the children are learning from home this week. Work will be set over a variety of platforms. For now the best thing to do is to keep checking Google Classroom as that is where the CLIC, maths and literacy work and relevant links will be. Enjoy the time at home and stay safe.

Mr Lawson


Dear all,

As you may be aware there is a possibility of school closure in the near future.
The pupils have been given passwords for: Google Classroom, EducationCity and Sumdog. Please message me if your child is already absent from school and you would like these details.
As class teachers we will continue to support your children’s education remotely, through digital platforms. In light of this, please regularly check the class blog section of the school website.

Please be assured we are here to support you and your child at this challenging time. It is important to remain calm. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Stay safe,
Mr Lawson

Maths and Art



The children in Primary 6 have been learning about:

  • acute angles
  • right angles
  • obtuse angles and
  • reflex angles

As well as this, they have been classifying different types of triangles:

  • equilateral
  • isosceles
  • right angled and
  • scalene

They used protractors and rulers to make their own artwork based on what they have been learning. The children measured their lines and then used the the protractor to draw acute, obtuse or right angles. By changing the length of the lines and the size of the angle each time, they could make every triangle different.  We hope you like them.