What we’ve been up to during our Home Learning!

Primary 3 have shared some wonderful pictures of the things they’ve been up to this week! Take a peek…

Music Activity

Everybody LOVES the music from the Greatest Showman!

Learn this Makaton version of ‘A Million Dreams’ using the Makaton actions. Makaton is another way that other boys and girls can communicate with those who are not able to speak.


Welcome to our optional extension section of the blog! (Psst. You’ll find it over on the right, ‘FIND WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR HERE:’ and scrolling down!

Here you will find links for other bits and bobs of learning.

Please remember all of our learning activities and extension activities are suggested and optional!

Reflections on Day 1 of Online Learning

Good afternoon- I hope we are all well.

As this is a challenging and difficult time, I want to reassure parents that any Learning Activities that appear online are suggested. These activities are not compulsory, we know how difficult things may be for each family at the moment. Please ensure that the physical and mental well-being of your child and family takes priority at the moment. I have attached a Mindfulness Video to allow for some breathing space and calm.

Reflections on some of today’s questions: 

  • If you are unsure of what colour of spelling your child is on, please Private Message on Class Dojo to find out.
  • The Mild, Spicy and HOT Numeracy and Maths challenges are optional. It is up to your child which level of challenge they undertake (however, parents please feel free to challenge them if you want to!)
  • EducationCity: New cities will not appear until later in the week. Online learning has been staggered and scheduled for the rest of the week- this is to ensure parents and children are not overwhelmed.
  • SumDog: New challenges will appear later in the week. Online learning has been staggered and scheduled for the rest of the week- this is to ensure parents and children are not overwhelmed.
  • If you wish to upload work or share pictures of home learning (optional) then please do so through Class Dojo Portfolio or Private Message. We do not lose access to Class Dojo until Friday 3rd April 2020.

Please do keep in touch- we are here for you all.

Take care, Mr. Small.

Monday, Monday, Monday.

Good evening all! I hope you have had a restful weekend.

As we approach the first day of online learning please note that daily P3 Learning Activities will be released at 08:45am on the School Website. 

In the Marvellous Me App, I have sent all parents a message welcoming them onto the platform.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch through e-mail or Marvellous Me.

Countdown until Easter Holidays: 10 school days! 

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