Week beginning Monday 18th November 2019

This week the children are only in Monday-Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are in-service days for staff only.


This week our letter sounds are u and l. Letter u homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter l homework should be completed by the following Monday.


This week our sounds are rk/lk/sk at the end of words.  The children will get 6 words with the rk/lk/sk pattern and 2 common words to learn for homework. Please write each word twice in the homework book and complete for Wednesday. Spelling test will be next Monday.


The P1 children will be introduced to two new common words which can be reinforced at home by completing the common word homework for next Monday. Words for this week are had and so. You may need to help your child writing the number after counting the words together. Please now write each word 2 times.


P2 common words will be the last 2 words on the spelling list each week. This week our words are to and very.




We will continue with reading on Monday this week. The children will hear the story in school so should still do lots of talking about the pictures and tell you what is happening.

This set of books do not have the ORT characters in them. There is lots of repetition in the sentences so the children should be able to remember the words or recognise the words from other pages. Some new words will be added to go with the reading books. See below.

Cats – A, has

Fly Away Home

The Pond – we, can, see

Wheels – are

Colour Bears – make

Playing – in, like

Please bring the pink home/school book, reading book and word pot to school every day in the book bag.



Our reading days are Mondays and Thursdays. The children will get a new book on Monday this week. Please see the grid in the pink home/school book and sign when reading has been done at home.



The children will continue doing some work on shape this week.


This week we will continue with some work on shape.

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