Week beginning Monday 30th September 2019

Parent interviews are on Tuesday and Thursday this week. 


This week our letter sounds are c/k and e. Letter c/k homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter e homework should be completed by Friday.


This week our sound is th.  The children will get 6 words with the th pattern and 2 common words to learn for homework. Please write each word twice in the homework book and complete for Thursday. Spelling test will be on Friday.


The P1 children will be introduced to two new common words which can be reinforced at home by completing the common word homework for Thursday. Words for this week are the and are. You may need to help your child writing the number after counting the words together.


P2 common words will be the last 2 words on the spelling list each week. This week our words are me and we.




We will complete the books with no words on Monday and Tuesday. The children will then get a reading book with words twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. We will start on Thursday with our first book with words.

The children will still have the main character names in their word pot. Kipper, Biff, Chip, Mum, Dad and Floppy. Some new words will now start to be added to go with the reading books. See below.

Six In A Bed – and

The Pancake – the

A Good Trick – a

Who Is It? – is, it

Please bring the pink home/school book, reading book and word pot to school every day in the book bag.


Our reading days are Mondays and Thursdays. The children will get a new book on these days. Please see the grid in the pink home/school book and sign when reading has been done at home.



We are now doing lots of counting activities, ordering and sequencing numbers and practising our number formation. We are going to start some activities in a work book – drawing, colouring, counting and writing numbers.


The P2s will be doing some work on multiplication this week. We will continue with Beat That on Fridays and our CLIC sessions – see below.

C – counting within 100

L – saying the multiples of 5

I – jigsaw numbers (find the missing piece to 10)

C – division (sharing out 6,9,12 or 15 between 3 people)


We are moving on to a historical topic – Then and Now, comparing things in the past to the present. Our main focus is going to be toys from the past but to start we are going to look at ourselves. I have sent a message on ClassDojo asking for, if possible, an actual photo of your child as a baby or it can be sent via messages on ClassDojo. Thanks for your help with this.


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