Friday 27th March

Good morning everyone!  I hope you are all doing well.


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In the absence of reading books coming home, below is a link to a great resource called Oxford Owls for Home. It’s completely free to register and it gives access to lots of Oxford Reading books in their free eLibrary. Some of the ebooks have interactive comprehension activities too. Once registered, there is a tool which helps you to select books at the correct level for your child or you can just browse books by age group. As well as reading books, you can also find maths games and a home learning activities section with interactive activities and free printable worksheets. Definitely worth a look!

I know that some of you have already been enjoying using sites such as Teach Your Monster to Read.  This website is free to access through a laptop.

ABC Scavenger Hunt Image result for magnifying glass

Go around your house/garden and see if you can find something starting with each letter of the alphabet. You can alter this game in lots of ways. If there are sounds you have been working on together perhaps write your child a list of 6 letters and ask them to go and find you something that begins with each of those letters. Have fun!


Revisit your CLIC targets set for the week. The SumDog challenges are still live today if anyone would like to explore these.

Fancy getting creative with your tally marks and subtraction work? Why not give this bowling a try or design your own game or challenge. I’d love to see photos!

Fun Bowling Subtraction Game - Fun Math ideas for Kindergarten. #kindergarten #firstgrade #preschool #easymathgames #

100 Indoor Activities 

Don’t forget about the 100 indoor activities. I have loved seeing pictures of some of the fun you’ve been having trying some of the activities. Mr Bear has enjoyed a game of bingo this week.



Thank you again for all of your hard work this week. I hope you have a great day!




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