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Glee Club

The Primary 6 children have shown great enthusiasm for the school community by running a Glee Club for the younger children. They have even come up with their own dance moves. The Primary 2 and 3 children had a great time!

P7 Poetry

New Year Poems by P7.

Happy New Year to all!



That’s it another year passed away.

But it means you will get a fresh start

You can put the past behind you

This year is your year.


You will rise again

You will put the past behind you

You will have an amazing year


This year you are going to keep

Your New Year resolution.

Whatever it is

You are going to rise to top.

You are going to make yourself proud

And you are going to make anyone supporting you proud.

New Year is a time to get fitter

Swim 100m in 20 seconds

Whatever it is you can do it.

You will get back on track

Or maybe your life is going great

Anyone can do anything.




A new year

Is finally here

Time for a fresh start

A new year

Lots of cheer

Fantastic fireworks

As bright as the sun

A new year

No more fear

Truly Terrific

Dreams as big as giants

A new year

A happy new year!

P3/4 Author Study

This term the boys and girls in P3/4 are doing an author study on Mairi Hedderwick – the author of the Katie Morag stories. This week we were learning all about Mairi Hedderwick’s main character Katie Morag and we did some wonderful black pen drawings of her!