P6 and P7. Basketball Action!!!

The Primary 6 and 7 children took part in a Basketball Cup quarter final against Kingsford that saw some of the most dramatic sporting action  in the North East of Scotland since Alex Ferguson managed the Dons. Despite trailing to a very strong Kingsford side early on in the game, the children rallied in the later stages to bring the victory back over the river. The match was played in a great spirit and an enthusiastic and passionate crowd watched on from the court side, captivated by the drama, excitement and tension.

Both teams were a credit to themselves and their respective schools and, as always,  the coaches and parents were extremely proud of the children. The semi-final, in six weeks’ time at the Grammar School, is sure to be an equally action packed encounter against a formidable Skene Square outfit. In the meantime, the Meerkats will be working hard every Monday evening to try to defend their title.

P3/4 Book Buddies

The boys and girls in P3/4 love their weekly reading sessions with their P5 book buddies. It’s lovely to hear the children supporting and encouraging each other whilst they enjoy stories together. This term we are working on using expressive voices in our reading.