Skene Square Primary 4


November 13, 2015 by User deactivated | 0 comments

We’ve been learning to name the bones of the human skeleton as part of our Human Body topic.  We’ve been using a song called “Bones” from Go Noodle and singing the catchy song all week!  We used the words from the song to label our giant skeletons in class!  Here’s how we made them…


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This gallery contains 11 photos

November 13, 2015
by User deactivated


The Circles have been using Numicon in maths to work on our number bonds.  We’ve been talking about the different shapes, what they mean and how we can use it in other areas of our learning!  

November 13, 2015
by User deactivated

The Human Body

We’ve started our new topic on The Human Body.  We’ve started by looking at our own bodies and taking a range of measurements to gather data!  We looked at our height, hand span, weight and even how far we could … Continue reading

November 4, 2015
by User deactivated

We had the chance to work with the Duthie Park Rangers to create hedgehog homes to provide shelter for winter.  We used pre-cut wood and built the boxes in class with the help of the rangers.

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We visited an urban and rural site to position the hedgehog houses.  We chose our location and Kincorth Hill and we disguised the house with leaves and sticks.  We did the same for our house at Duthie Park too and we hope that we might just help an animal to stay safe for winter.

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Units of Measure – Length

October 9, 2015 by User deactivated | 0 comments

We’ve been talking about measuring as part of a whole class topic on measure.  We’ve been talking about length and we have focused on estimating in meters and centimeters.  Here we are estimating and measuring the playground using trundle wheels.


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This gallery contains 4 photos

Clay Hedgehogs

October 9, 2015 by User deactivated | 0 comments

We sculpted clay hedgehogs with some help from the Family Heads.  Primary 7 have been making clay pots in art and they were able to share their learning with us. Their top tip was to make sure we didn’t use our palms to work with the clay, as our palms would be warm and would dry the clay out quicker.  We are already looking forward to painting our hedgehogs in Term 2!


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This gallery contains 8 photos

October 2, 2015
by User deactivated

Making Music

We’ve been looking at the music of Bob Marley to develop our understanding of musical terms.  We’ve been talking about finding the beat in a piece of music, giving our opinions, listening for instruments and talking about pitch. Here we … Continue reading

September 30, 2015
by User deactivated

Taking our Learning Outdoors

We took advantage of the lovely sunny weather and got into the playground to play games for spelling.  We used the painted on alphabet snake and letter grid to play games using our spelling words.  

September 29, 2015
by User deactivated

Maths Groups

We have been working hard on new maths ideas in Primary 4.  Here are some pictures from our active maths work. The Triangles are working on 3D objects and have been playing games to classify these objects. The Squares are … Continue reading

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