Term 3 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year and wishing you all the best for 2015.
We will be doing two topics this term. We will be covering  Europe (including Scotland as a mini topic) and ‘The Victorians’.

The class will have the opportunities to learn about school life, inventions and Queen Victoria during this period, including life in Aberdeen and Scotland. Primary 6 will take part in a Victorian workshop and go on a ‘Victorian Trail’ to study different buildings and clues left from this exciting peroid of history. Occasionally, the class will practise their writing, reading, art and ICT skills whilst learning about the Victorians.

We will also be learning about Europe.  We will be looking at the different countries, languages, climates and nature, how it has developed and changed through time, the story of the European Union and what the EU does.  We will be taking part in a country wide quiz.  Children are welcome to join our quiz club and from them, I will pick 5 candidates that will be representing the school at the city wide quiz.  I am very excited about this and hope that we will get your support in this as well.

In Maths the children will be learning about mathematical patterns, statistics and time.  We will also be continuing with our ‘Big Maths’ programme to improve the children’s undertanding and confidence in using a range of mental maths strategies.

In Language we will be reading ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty.  This story will link in with our ‘Victorian’ topic and the children are already responding to it in a positive way.  We will also continue to have reading homework every week.

Some other useful information:

  • HOMEWORK:  Spelling and Maths activities will be given out every Monday and are to be handed in on a Thursday.  The children are expected to share their weekly spelling score with you.  If you have any comments regarding their homework, please feel free to write a note beside your child’s work. Please ensure that ou sign your child’s homework.
  • READING:  Reading homework will continue to be given every week and will also be heard in class in between.  Please sign your child’s record to show the reading has been completed.
  • TIMETABLE:  PE is on a Monday and Wednesday.  Gym kits can remain in the classroom and should be in school on these days.

I am looking forward to what should be an exciting and busy term.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs C Eloff

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