Term 2 Newsletter P6

Hope everyone had a lovely October break! We are already working hard and planning our Christmas Fair event and busy with an ASG Math challenge about measurement.  

This year Primary 6 is going to have a photo booth at the Christmas Fair. This will make a treasured family memory as you will be able to pose with various items that we are currently busy designing and making. Please support our enterprise project by inviting everyone to come and take a picture. It will be great fun!
We have also been on an autumn walk with both Red and Green Nursery classes this term. We’ve visited the Gospel Hall next to the school for some activities and we will be posting some pictures of this at a later date.

Our topic this term is Enterprise.  We will be looking at how we spend money, how and where we can save it and what is the best way to work with money.
We will be planning on how we can make and spend money for our Christmas Fair project by doing spreadsheets on the computer.

Some dates for your calendar:
15 November – wear your pyjama’s to school (Children in Need fundraising)
3 December – School Fair
11 December – wear a Christmas jumper to school
As always, please do not hesitate to contact myself or the school if you have any queries.

Mrs Eloff

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