This term our topic will be Health and Wellbeing with P6 looking at the ‘Living and Growing’ programme. We will be learning how our bodies are changing, how babies are made, how babies are born and how to look after ourselves to be happy and healthy.
In Maths we are learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also be doing some more work on time.
= group:
This group will be finding a unitary fraction of a quantity, learning about equivalent fractions and show a fraction on a number line. In time they will be learning about am and pm digital clocks, time intervals, reading timetables and the hours on a 24hour clock.
X+ groups:
These groups will be learning how to simplify and find the equivalent of fractions. They will also learn how to convert from a fraction to a decimal to a percentage. In time they will be doing 12 and 24 our notations and conversions, short time intervals and interpreting timetables and calendars.
In Language we will continue to read our class novel (First Aid For Fairies and Other Noble Creatures) and work on how to write a news report.
Science is going to be all about our bodies (including muscles, joints and the skeleton). We will also be looking at different life cycles around us.
Some information for the term:
- Homework: Spelling and Maths homework will be given every Monday and is to be handed in on a Thursday. Please remember to sign the page in the back with their homework jotter showing their Big Maths and Spelling scores. If you have any comments regarding their homework, please feel free to write a note beside your child’s work.
- Reading: We will be reading most days in class, so children will get reading homework throughout the week. Please check their yellow reading books for new work.
- Gym: This will be on a Monday and a Wednesday. Gym kits can remain in school and should be in school on those days.
- Library: Children will be able to take books out of the library for reading enjoyment in class or at home. We will be changing books every Thursday.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind regards,
Mrs C Eloff