Rights Respecting Schools Award – Working towards Level 2

Primary 3 members of the Rights Respecting Steering Group put up a display in the Winter Gardens on Wednesday to highlight Children’s Rights in the Community.  We hope lots of visitors will make time to look at our posters and find out more about the Convention for the Rights of the Child.

UNCRC – Article 12 –  Every child has a right to a say in all decisions affecting them…

Primary 1 pupils listened to the story ‘Not Now Bernard’ before designing posters to highlight Article 12 of UNCRC.


Why not join Peter (Ferryhill Dad and Minister) and Janice Robertson (PSA) in not being afraid to stand up for Children’s Rights!  Parents – why not post a picture of yourself with ‘I am an unfeartie’ sign on twitter/facebook/instagram!

UNCRC-guide-for-children      – Please take time to make yourself familiar with the Rights of the Child

COMING SOONFerryhill will be highlighting children’s rights in the community with a display at Duthie Park winter gardens…

What impact does being a rights respecting school have?

On the school…

  • Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) is not an initiative, but instead provides an overarching set of values that improve the climate for learning and within which other initiatives sit
  • Improved relationships with pupils due to a common rights-respecting language

On children…

  • improved self-esteem and feelings of being valued and listened to
  • increased level of respect for each other, leading to improved relationships with other pupils and with staff
  • a sense of security as rights-respecting language and behaviour is used consistently throughout the school
  • improved attainment and attendance
  • an understanding and respect of religions, culture, beliefs and abilities different from their own
  • a wider and deeper understanding of the world in which they live

Our Rights Respecting Steering Group:


United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child 

Article 30 – Children have the right to learn about and practice their own culture…

On Friday 10th June pupils enjoyed  coming to school dressed up in costumes from their countries.  We held a special Assembly where the Primary 3 to 5 Highland Dance class performed some of the dances they had learned over the last few months.  Pupils from every stage were able to share with the rest of the school some interesting facts about their countries.

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International Dress-up Day – Friday 10th June 2016

The Rights Respecting Steering group are delighted to make the arrangements for another celebration of all the different cultures in our school.  Children have been asked to come to school dressed in something from their culture and to find out at least 3 interesting facts that they can share with others.


Ferryhill  are delighted to have achieved its level 1rrs logo Rights Respecting Schools award in December 2015

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2015-11-18 09.13.45

2015-11-18 09.18.31  2015-11-18 09.21.132015-11-18 09.12.32

Some of our Class Charters for 2015 to 2016

unicef logo

2015-11-18 09.19.43


Recognition of Commitment

Ferryhill has made good progress with the Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) and we have already achieved our  Recognition of Commitment’.  We have held regular meetings with our steering group which is made up of pupils from P4 to P7, staff and members of the community. The group had both a successful and enjoyable trip to Ashley Road School to speak to their RRSA committee and get ideas.  We have introduced ‘suggestion’ boxes to our classrooms to give more children a say and also a suggestion box at the  front of the school for parents and visitors to post ideas.  Some of the committee are producing a leaflet all about RRS.

All classes have been involved in creating ‘class charters’ where children have put together their own class rules based on the United Nations Rights of the Child.  Some classes are involved in projects, where they are looking more closely at Global Citizenship supporting projects which help children in countries where they don’t receive the rights they are entitled to.  RRSA  also underpins all aspects of the Health and Well-being curriculum.

By following the RRSA we seek to put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of our schools ethos and culture in order to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential. Central to this journey, when planning and delivering the curriculum, staff will make  reference to the following 8 indicators of well-being: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included (SHANARRI).

Ishanarri wheel

(More information on the ‘shanarri wheel’ can be found by following this link:


If you would like more information or would be keen, as a parent, to join the Rights Respecting steering group then please contact Mrs Macpherson (Acting Depute).


Class Charters

Classes have used some of the UNCRC articles to write their own class charters.  Everyone in the class had to sign it including the adults.

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