Category Archives: Whole School

Tennis for P4 and P5 Pupils

Tennis sessions will be starting for Primary 4 and Primary 5 pupils after the May holiday.

Where:  School Gym (Enter by Gym door)

When:  Starts Tuesday 10th May, 8.00 to 8.45 a.m. (weekly)

Cost: £20 for a block

To book a place, please contact Vicki, Active Schools Coordinator on 07825 227 822.


Harlaw Academy ASG Junior Concert Band

Four of our P7 pupils took part in the Scottish Concert Band Festival Finals on Saturday 19th March at the Perth Concert Hall as part of the Harlaw Academy ASG Junior Concert Band. Jamie Knowles on saxophone, Charlie Souter on trombone, Abigayle Morrison on flute & Lauren Munro on clarinet. The band played 4 pieces & were awarded a Silver award for their performance which is wonderful – congratulations to them all!

Concert Band

If any of the other wind or brass musicians in our school (P5-P7) would like to join the band please speak to their music teacher.  It’s a fantastic way to enjoy music & meet pupils from the other Harlaw ASG schools.

Fairtrade Fortnight

Global Citizenship

Fairtrade Fortnight 002

As part of the school’s commitment to Global Citizenship P3 and P5 have worked together to create Fairtrade Bags of Knowledge which they have been selling to the rest of the school.  These will be distributed by the end of the next week.  On top of this Shelagh Bain, from Ferryhill Church,  has talked to the children at Assembly explaining what Fairtrade is, who benefits and what we can do, as global citizens, to help.  Shelagh also delivered a workshop the Primary 7.  When your children next go shopping with you please encourage them to identify Fairtrade products.

P1 and Nursery Safety Books – Children First

Over the next couple of days Nursery and P1 parents will get a letter home giving the opportunity to buy books based around safety.

As explained in the letter,  Wood Group took part in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ experience and produced this book  in aid of Children First.  They have involved a few schools in this venture with their target audience being P1 and Nursery children.

The attached pdf is not the final draft – changes have been made.  To access this – right click and open link in new tab.

Helping Hamish (2)

Children First

P3S Toy Sale – Tuesday 1st March

To raise money for Clic Sergant andArchie P3s would be grateful to receive donations of toys, puzzles, non-electronic games etc.  All classes will have the opportunity to purchase items which will range between 20p and £1.

Thank you in advance for your support!

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