Category Archives: Whole School

Ferryhill School Twitter Account

Ferryhill School have now started a Twitter account to keep you further updated with all the events which happen on a weekly basis.  Our aim is for this to be a positive experience for the school community.  We ask you to support us with this venture.

House Captains

UNCRC – Article 12 – Every child has the right to have their say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.

Following a lengthy campaign where Primary 7 pupils delivered their manifestos at a special Assembly, promising to make a real difference to Ferryhill School, the following were voted in by their peers to be our new House Captains and Vice Captains.  Congratulations to them all!


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Robert Burns Celebration

robbie burns(UNCRC – Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full……it must encourage respect for their parents, cultures and environment)

As part of our Robbie Burns celebrations your children have been asked by their teacher to learn a Scottish Poem.  As well as learning it in class pupils are able to take this home and practise.  We ask that they have learned this by Friday 27th January.  Three pupils will be chosen from each class to recite their poem at the Assembly on Friday 3rd February.  Pupils in Primary 4 to Primary 7 will then be chosen to represent the school at the Aberdeen City and Shire regional Burns competition on Saturday 4th March at Portlethen Academy.

We ask that your child wears tartan for our Burn’s Assembly on Friday 3rd February – this can be ‘a touch of tartan’ if you prefer.

P4 Swimming

(UNCRC – Article 31 – Children have the right to take part in a wide range of recreational activities)

P4 will be attending Tullos Swimming Pool on a Wednesday for a block of 10 swimming lessons.  The first lesson will be January 18th and the final one on the 29th March (no lesson on Wednesday 15th February due to Inservice day).  Can all P4 pupils ensure they are at school on time as the bus will be leaving the school at 9am.

Christmas Carol Concert

(UNCRC – Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full……it must encourage respect for their parents, cultures and environment)

During the last week of term pupils in Middle and Upper Stages entertained parents and friends with a lovely evening of Christmas Carols and songs.  £539.39 was raised for school funds through donations.   Thank you to all the children, staff and parents for their generous contributions.


Christmas Jumper Day

(UNCRC – Article 27–  Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and social needs and support their development.  Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this.)

On Friday 16th December, children throughout the school wore their Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save the Children.  P5 and P4/5 also ran a tuck shop which proved very popular.  Altogether a grand sum of £478.70 was raised.  Thanks to everyone for their support!


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P7A and P7L Support Silver City Surfers – by Millie Gordon

(UNCRC – Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full……it must encourage respect for their parents, cultures and environment)

From the beginning of September to November, we, as a class as well as the charity group, Silver City Surfers, team have been working together on an Inter-Generational project to help our perceptions of ‘old’ and to help elders with technology.

Primary 7 classes at Ferryhill worked together along with the Silver Surfers team on the Inter-Generational project, which took place in Ferryhill School, Whinhill Residential Home and Ferryhill Community Centre.

We started off in our class, talking about ‘what age is old?’ where we discussed what age we all thought was ‘old’. We then went to Whinhill Retirement Home and introduced ourselves to the residents, and we were given
the task to get to know one another, by writing down facts about ourselves in our hand prints on a piece of paper. We then had to learn facts about our partner.

After that, we got a volunteer named Kenny, to come in and talk to us about music from different times. He brought in an old record player and showed us how it worked. Kenny played us music from the 1940s, since our current topic is WW2.

After our session with Kenny, we went to Whinhill every 2 weeks, and we would teach the elders to use and be more confident with technology.

One week college hairdressing and make-up students from NESCOL came to school, we got our hair and makeup done in the style of the 1940’s. We then went for our visit to Whinhill residential home and set up a photo booth where we got our pictures taken with some of the residents.

Referring to the CRC article 29, I feel that my skills in tutoring have definitely developed throughout this project, because we had the opportunity every other week, to teach and to also learn.

In terms of the SHANARRI wheel, or wellbeing wheel, we covered Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included; Achieving: I felt I achieved a lot during this project because it was a big project and I feel we did very well.

Respected: I felt I was much respected because when I was teaching, I was listened to and I do really feel like I helped make a difference.

Responsible: I felt very responsible because we were given a great opportunity, and that we did make a difference for the residents of Whinhill and that we taught them by ourselves.

Included: I felt included because I was always doing something and the team always made sure everyone was getting involved.

Overall, I thought this project was amazing! I would definitely encourage people to do it. I feel like I’ve learned a lot and everything we did was so much fun! I’m very glad we did it and my perception of ‘old’ has definitely changed. I now see elders as people and not as an age.


Christmas Sports Camp – Aberdeen Sports Village

Christmas Sports Camps at ASV

Need to keep the kids entertained during the Christmas holidays? Look no further than Sports Camps at ASV. Join us for action-packed days of sport and physical activity including athletics, aqua run, basketball, trampoline and much more! Camps take place from the 27th – 30th December and the 3rd – 6th January from 09:30 – 16:00 with early drop-off & late pick-up options available. For more information or to book, please visit


UK International Kids’ Lit Quiz – Regional Heat

(UNCRC – Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full……it must encourage respect for their parents, cultures and environment)

On Friday 31st October the following pupils took part in the 2016 regional heat of the UK International ‘Kids’ Lit Quiz at Harlaw Academy:

Daniel, Logan, Alexane and Erin

The children did incredibly well coming first in 2 out of ten sections and 5th overall out of a total of 18 teams.  Since most of these teams were secondary schools, this is an incredible achievement for the pupils.

Well done and keep reading!

UNCRC – Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full…


Primary 6 and 7 Bridge Opportunity





The Bridge Club, 14 Rubislaw Terrace,

(opposite Harlaw Academy).

September 2016

Dear Parents,

A new session 2016-2017 begins on Wednesday 28th September at The Bridge Club, for P6 & P7 pupils who are interested in learning the game of Bridge. Sessions start after school till 4.45 pm. Mini-bridge tuition and refreshments are free.

Teams from Aberdeen Primary Schools, have consistently done well in Scottish mini-bridge Championships winning the tournament on numerous occasions.

Some of our juniors, are now representing Scotland at international events all over Europe.  This year in Latvia one of our under 25 players who began learning when in P6 won the European junior pairs gold medal.  We find our youngsters quickly learn to love the game and it has no barriers to age, race or gender.  It opens doors all over the world for those who share the same love of the game.

If your child is interested, he/she will learn many skills such as quick counting and deductive reasoning by working within a partnership to reach a set goal. Social skills improve because of the etiquette which is taught at the bridge table.  Above all, it is fun over the Winter and Spring terms.

Bill Gates of MICROSOFT is a great advocate of the game of Bridge in developing young people’s thinking skills. His partner is Warren Buffett.


“In business you need to think logically, you have to remember details of all kinds, you have to have strong mental acuity and you need EXACTLY THE SAME ATTRIBUTES TO SUCCEED IN THE GAME OF BRIDGE.”

                  ENQUIRIES –Mrs. Loraine Findlay


Loraine Findlay

Education Officer

North District of the Scottish Bridge Union

Alternative Tel. 01224 644773 (Aberdeen Bridge Club) leave a message for me.