Category Archives: Whole School

Friends of ANCHOR with P2S/L and P5P

PTA – Meeting and School Fair

PTA Meeting – Tuesday 9th May, 6.30pm in school staff room.

All parents and carers are encouraged to come along to discuss what PTA funds are spent on and plans & ideas for fundraisers.

School Fair – Saturday 10th June, 11am-1pm

The PTA are organising the annual school school fair for families to come along and have fun together, whilst raising funds for the school.  The fair relies on the help of many parents and teachers so if you are able to help in any way please contact Angie Barnett on 07776 292344.

The raffle is our main fundraiser at the fair (£1,500 raised at the Christmas fair), mainly due to the star prize & hampers.  Any donations of prizes, including the star prize, for the adult and child raffle would be very gratefully received.

Private stalls – if you, or someone you know, would like a private stall at the fair please contact Angie 07776 292344.

A letter with further information about the stalls, activities and requested donations will be issued shortly.


Dash and Dot have arrived at Ferryhill!

UNCRC – Article 1 – Everyone below the age of 18 has all the rights of the convention…

UNCRC – Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education…

These real life robots help teach children coding skills, which may benefit them in the future as the digital world progresses.  Primary 6F will be learning more about the robots’ abilities in order to help teach other classes within the school.


Summer Sport Camps

Article 31 – Children have the right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of cultural, artistic and other recreational activities.

Sports Camps at ASV is the ultimate multi-sport school holiday programme, and bookings are now open for summer 2017.Featuring a whole host of traditional and innovative sports from Athletics to Aqua Run and Quidditch to Table Tennis, Sports Camps at ASV helps keep kids from P1 – S3 busy and active during the school holidays in a friendly and safe environment. All activities are age-appropriate, and are led by qualified staff who hold PVG membership. For more information, please visit


I’m also pleased to announce the launch of this year’s Denis Law Legacy Trust Community Football Festival. In partnership with the Scottish Football Association, Aberdeen Football Club, Aberdeen Football Club Community Trust and Streetsport, the Festival will provide as many people as possible with the opportunity to participate in football and football related activities. For information on the various events taking place for children and adults during May, June and July, visit


CBBC Fantasy Game Show (9 to 13 year olds)

The following opportunity  was sent to the school:

My Name is Jamie and I work as an Assistant Producer on a thrilling new CBBC Children’s fantasy game show.

We are currently looking for applicants of all abilities, aged between 9-13 years to take part in a new fantasy game show that will be filmed in Scotland over the summer months. The successful candidates will get a chance to test their skill, determination and bravery against a series of physical and mental challenges.

This link will take you directly to the application.


Dates for your Diary for term 4


Senior Pupils Rookie Event – Thursday 20th April – Lifeguard and First Aid tuition at RGU

International Dress-up Day – Friday 12th May – children may come to school dressed up in their National Costume – as much or as little as they like.  During the week leading up to this children will be treated to sessions by a storyteller – tales from other lands.

International Fair – Sunday 21st May – 2 to 3.30 p.m. – A ‘family’ event involving international food and activities which celebrates the diversity of cultures within the school.

Week Beginning 22nd May – Health Week – lots of activities around the theme of ‘Health’ for the whole school

Dalguise Information Evening for Primary 7 Parents – Thursday 25th May – 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm.  We encourage all P7 parents whose children are going to Dalguise to attend this meeting

The Hobbit – Tuesday 30th May – Performance by M & M Theatre group for P1 to P7.  Paid for by the PTA

Parents Evenings – Tuesday 30th May and Thursday 1st June

Infant Sports – Tuesday 6th June – 1.15pm – school playing field – wear house colours

Middle/Upper Sports – Wednesday 7th June – 1.30 pm – school playing field – wear house colours

Travelling Books – Tuesday 30th May to Friday 2nd June – Pupils will be able to buy books with a percentage of the sales going to the school.

Charity Run at Duthie Park in aid of NSPCC – Friday 9th June  (changed from the 2nd)- The P7 Sports Captains will organise this for the whole school.  Families are invited to join us.  More details will follow nearer the time.

Summer Fair – Saturday 10th June – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. – All families welcome

Dalguise Outdoor Activity Week – Week beginning 12th June –  Primary 7’s residential trip

Build a Den Day – Charity event in aid of Save the Children – Global Citizenship – Friday 16th June – more details to follow at a later date

Primary 1 to Primary 7 Show – Rookie Rockstars – Ferryhill Parish Church – 29th June6.30 pm   This show tackles bullying, self-esteem, friendship, courage and perseverance.  This is being run by Rookie Rockstars, a registered Scottish charity.  The children will start rehearsing on Monday 26th June – guaranteed to have great fun! The Primary 7 pupils will put out more information about buying tickets nearer to the date.

End of Year Service – Friday 30th June – led by Primary 7 pupils

Diving Talent

Article 29 – Children’s education should develop each child’s personality, talents and abilities to the fullest

Following a previous post where children in Ferryhill school were assessed for potential diving talent, the following pupils have now been selected.

Maisy Murray P2,   Amelie Horne P5, Oskar Safiullin P5, Morgan Sellar P6, Hannah Souter P5


Considering 2000 children were assessed in Aberdeen schools, this is a great achievement.


World Water Day

UNCRC – Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health.  Governments must work to provide good quality heath care, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that children can stay healthy.  Richer countries must help poorer countries to achieve this.

P7 took the lead at Assembly today in recognition of World Water Day.  Facts and Figures were used to persuade the rest of the school to save water.  They provided good tips on how to do this.  All children were asked to share their knowledge with their family.

Easter Holiday Activities

Article 31 – Children have the right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of cultural, artistic and other recreational activities.


Something to do during the Easter Break! 

As part of the ‘See the World in Aberdeen’ will be running 3D Balloon making workshops
throughout the Easter holidays for young people to learn different 3D Balloon creating techniques. These projects will be run by artists from gray’s school of art and will give unique ideas to entrants, offer support to young people struggling with their balloon’s and gives children something to do over the Easter break!

These workshops are available for ages 5+ and are completely free! They will take place on
April 4th – April 8th between 1pm – 4pm
at Seventeen, 17 Belmont Street, Aberdeen
AB10 1JR

Any interested people should email

Parachute Fun

UNCRC – Article 24– Every child has the right to the best possible health…

As part of their Health and Wellbeing curriculum classes have loved working with the parachute in the gym.  Pupils had to work together whilst still ensuring the safety of their peers!