Category Archives: Whole School

Come and Support the Ferryhill Ferraris!

Fancy a great day out?

Come along and support the Ferryhill Ferraris at the Grampian Transport Museum on Saturday, 14th June.

They will be racing 35 other schools in their self-assembled Kit Car. 

The P6 children have worked very hard over the last 15 weeks building the car.


See you there!

Staffing News

We are pleased to confirm that Mrs Legdon will be retuning  from her placement at Braeside School in time for the start of the new term. In the meantime you may see her round the school as she is managing to spend some afternoons with us in preparation for her return full time.

School May Fair update

Ferryhill School May Fair 2014

Grand Total Raised – £4736!!


This is a fantastic amount – the PTA and school are delighted!!  The school will spend all the money on much-needed things that will enhance our children’s experiences at school.


Many, many thanks to everyone who donated their time, money and items to make this fair the success that it was!!  The PTA could not do it without you!


Helpers – many people were involved in organising the fair for several weeks.  There were also lots volunteer parents/grandparents/pupils/ teachers helping at the fair who were fantastic!


Donations – thank you to everyone who donated items for various stalls at the fair.  These donations mean that the money raised goes straight to the school.


We also had many donations from local businesses who continue to support our school in this way.


The raffle prize donators are too long to list but they will all be thanked.  Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and helped us raise a massive £1385 from this!!


Fair attendees – lots of people came to the fair, thank you so much for coming!  We hope you had a fun time and will come to our Christmas Fair in December.


The next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 17th June, 6.30pm in the school staff room


We will be discussing what to spend the money on so please come along if you are able.  If not, and you would like a copy of the meeting minutes, please email to request being added to our mailing list.  Alternatively, become our friend on Facebook (Ferryhill Parent Forum). 


The PTA always welcomes suggestions from parents for items that could be bought for the school using PTA funds.  Please contact us as per above.

P7 Mugs Enterprise – MUGZ4U


P7 Mugs Enterprise – MUGZ4U

This year’s Primary 7 class have decided to sell mugs for their Enterprise.

Each child in the school has drawn a self-portrait of themselves, to go on their class mug. You will be given the opportunity to buy a mug/mugs with all of the self-portraits of the children from your child’s class.

The mugs will sell for £4.20 (£3.50 each if you order more than one) and further information and deals  will be given on the order forms which will be sent out as soon as possible, so please look out for them, thank you.

Eve Montgomery (Managing Director)