Category Archives: Whole School

Robert Burns World Federation North of Scotland Schools Festival

robbie burns

On Saturday 21st March Ferryhill’s Robert Burns champions represented the school in the North of Scotland Schools Festival.  All pupils delivered their poems with confidence and style.  As well as all receiving Certificates in Excellence the following medals were won:

Primary 4:

Hassan Yildrim – Gold

Edie Whyte – Silver

Primary 6:

Jachin Saforo – Silver

Daisy MacDonald-King – Bronze

Saif Naseem – Bronze

Primary 7:

Archie Whyte – Gold

Lloyd Cameron – Gold

Campbell Trueman – Silver

Kristen Forbes – Bronze

Primary 7’s Archie Whyte went on to win the overall cup for his age group with his stunning recital of Tam O’Shanter.

Very well done to everyone who took part!


Rookie Lifeguard Training

On Friday 20th March 20 Primary 7 pupils took part in the ‘Rookie Lifeguard Training’ provided by Robert Gordon University students.  Ferryhill pupils joined other Aberdeen city schools to develop their Lifeguard and  First Aid skills including CPR.  RGU students and staff were very impressed with the pupils knowledge, confidence and effort.  Well done to all those who took part.

P3/4 World Kidney Day Success!

Well done to P3/4 boys and girls who held a successful fundraising event in aid of World Kidney Day.  Parents were treated to tea and cakes and  Ferryhill pupils were able to buy a range of second hand books and toys.  A grand sum of  £700 was raised for this very worthwwhile cause.  A special thanks for all the donations and support from parents and P7 pupils.  Credit must go to the hard work by P3/4T who put in a lot of time and effort in preparing for and running the event as part of their enterprise education.


Cross Country Teams

On Friday 13th March the Primary 5, 6, and 7 cross-country teams represented the school at the Aberdeen City Cross-Country event at Balgownie.  It was a great opportunity for our talented pupils who all put in a great effort.  Jamie Evans, one of our P6 pupils, did particularly well earning himself a silver medal.  A special thanks to our team of parents who helped on the day.

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TLC Food Bank

On Friday 13th May a representative from the charity TLC food-bank spoke to all stages at Assembly. TLC was established to help individuals and families in Aberdeen who find themselves in a time of crisis where emergency food will help their situation in the short term.  In support of this we have asked the pupils to take in dried/tinned food.  They are especially short of tinned fruit and vegetables.  Thank you in anticipation of  your support.



Mad Scientist Open Afternoon

On Tuesday 17th March many classes will be hosting a Mad Scientist Afternoon where pupils will be able to share their work in the area of Science with their parents.

Parents are invited to their child’s class between 1.45 and 2.45 pm.  Your child may dress up as a ‘mad scientist’!


World Kidney Day – Friday 13th March-P3/4

On Friday the 13th March P3/4 are hosting a fundraising morning in aid of World Kidney Day.  This is a cause close to the hearts of P3/4 pupils as one of their peers has had two operations regarding his kidney in the past year.

Pupils from all classes will be able to come and buy second hand toys and books as well as raffle tickets.  These are also on sale throughout the week.

We ask for donations for the above as well as giving your child a small sum of money to spend.  As a guide raffles tickets will cost 50p or 3 for a £1.  Toys, books etc will range from 20p to 60p.  Larger donations in good condition may cost more.

P3/4, P3S, P4K and  P4 S parents are invited for tea/coffee and cakes between 11.00 a.m. and 12 a.m. – P3/4 will be baking especially!

Children in P3/4 may dress up in the World Kidney Day colours – blue and yellow.

Thank you in anticipation of your support

Mr Timmins (class teacher)

World Book Day

Change of date!

World Book Day falls on Thursday 5th of March this year. Unfortunately, this clashes with other activities that many of the classes are involved in. So that we don’t miss out we have decided that Ferryhill will celebrate World Book Day on Wednesday 11th March instead. The pupils are invited to come to school on the 11th dressed as a favourite book character.