Category Archives: Whole School

Health Week

Children at Ferryhill recently enjoyed a successful week learning about all aspects of health.  Pupils experienced a wide range of activities including workshops which looked at the role of the Red Cross, First Aid, Rugby, Golf, Drama, Healthy food, work-outs to music and a lot more.

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UNCRC – Article 24 –   Every child has the right to the best possible health.

P7 Football

The P7 football team competed in the Westhill Gala on Sunday 17th May. The teams they played were of a very high standard. They played extremely well and got through to play in the semi finals on Sunday 31st May. They not only got though but were TOP of their group.

A great achievement! Well done to all those who played.

Dons Day Out

Dons Day Out

A big thank you to all the Ferryhill School parents and children who came along to the Dons Day Out at Pittodrie on Sunday 24th May.  It was such a fun family occasion and, although the Dons didn’t win the match, everyone looked like they were having a great time.  We also raised £385 for school funds due to AFC donating 50% of the ticket sales which is fantastic!  Big thanks to Shiona Denton for organising this event.

Thank you,

Ferryhill School PTA


School Fair

School May Fair – Total Raised

The school May Fair on Saturday 30th May raised ….. drum roll please ……. £4650!!!!!!!!!!

It’s an absolutely outstanding amount, a school record and means we should have enough to buy that vital set of iPads needed.

It was an amazing team effort so a massive thanks to everyone involved in whatever capacity…THANK YOU!!!

Several of those who helped are P7 parents, fair stalwarts, and it was their last fair, so thank you for your efforts over the years!

Everything raised will be spent on making our children’s learning experience a great one, and yesterday just highlights what a fantastic community spirit we have at Ferryhill, long may it continue!

Thank again,

Ferryhill School PTA

TLC Food Bank Donations

Thank you to all pupils and parents who donated to the TLC food bank.  Well done to P6A for gathering the items together and arranging collection.  A total of 100kg of food was provided which amounts to £222.

TLCUNCRC – Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health…



Archie in Africa Day

A big thank you to all those who supported our recent ‘Archie in Africa’ day.  £263 was raised to support the building and resourcing of a children’s operating theatre in Uganda.  Pupils enjoyed taking their teddies to school dressed in the Ugandan flag colours.  As part of their  their global citizenship education a  representative from The Archie Foundation delivered an interesting Assembly all about Ugandan hospitals.  A small plaque with the school name on will be displayed on the operating theatre’s wall.

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UNCRC – Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health… Richer countries must help poorer countries to achieve this.

Basketball Champions!

Well done to the primary 7 basketball team who beat a very impressive Broomhill team yesterday in the final of the Primary Schools’ Basketball Cup. After a very challenging final quarter, Ferryhill held their lead winning 49-48. Well done to all of the primary 7 children who took part and thank you to all of the parents who supported us throughout the season.

Thank you,

Miss Keating

Fundraising – Race Night for Rwanda

Great family night out.  Thursday 30th April 2015 at 6.30pm at the Ashvale, Great Western Road, Aberdeen.

Tickets: Adults-£15  Children-£12  Family(2adults and 2 children)-£50. Ticket price includes an Ashvale Supper. Tickets are on sale now from Mrs Ng (P7n)