Nursery Garden Party

On Thursday 8th May 2014 the nursery officially opened the Nursery Garden.  We had an afternoon of fun with our friends and family. 

There were lots of things to do at the party: face painting, painting and drawing, planting sunflowers, having snack and also a home baking stall and a raffle to win prizes in.

Kenny officially opened the garden once we had sung some songs to our friends and family.  He got to officially open the garden because he was very kind and build our new nursery house.  Once Kenny declared the garden open we got to take our friends and family into the nursery area to see all the fun things available. 

We raised £871 at our garden party and all these proceeds are going to Ward 7 at The Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh.  They have asked us to buy them new DVD players, books and fun art and craft resources for all the children.

Thank you to everyone who supported us at our garden party.

Boys and Girls in Nursery