

As some of you will have been aware, Mrs Legdon was not in school last week. She has been asked to go temporarily to Braeside School where she is working with a class. When we have any further information about when she is due to return we will let you know.

School Uniform

As we let you know earlier this year, we are changing the school uniform. Details of how to purchase the new uniform will be issued after Easter to allow everyone plenty of time to get ready for the start of the new session. We would like everyone to have changed over to the new colour by December 2014.

Crossing Patrollers

The crossing patrollers are there to help keep the children safe as they cross some very busy roads. It has been reported that not all the children are using the crossings correctly on their way to and from school.  We would be grateful if you could help us to reinforce the road safety message. The children should listen to the instructions given by the Crossing Patrollers who will let them know when it is safe to cross the road.

Medication in School

We regularly get requests to give out medication to pupils during the school day. While we are happy to do this I would remind all parents/carers that before any medication can be given out by a member of staff a form must be filled out in school. If you have any queries about this please contact Mrs Hyland in the office.

Gardening Club

A huge thank you to everyone who helped out with the gardening club on Saturday. There was a lot of hard work going on clearing and replanting the wildlife garden beds. We are very grateful to those who donated some plants to supplement the ones that had been bought. The wildlife garden looks great!

Sportshall Athletics/ Basketball

Well done to both our Sportshall Athletics and Basketball teams who represented the school in competitions recently. Everyone in the teams gave their maximum effort and were great ambassadors for the school.

Diary Dates

Spring term

  • Term Ends – Friday 4 April 2014
  • Easter Holidays – Monday 7 to Monday 21 April 2014 (Good Friday 18 April 2014)

Summer Term

  • Term Starts – Tuesday 22 April 2014
  • In-Service Day – Friday 2nd May 2014
  • May Day Holiday – Monday 5 May 2014
  • Term Ends – Friday 4 July 2014