A few pointers from the School Crossing Patrol

A school parent has been speaking to the Crossing Patroller, Betty, at the Fonthill and Bon Accord crossing. She has been holding this post for a while now and is really enjoying it, especially that all the kids are so good and well behaved. 

She asked if it would be possible to let parents know about few rules when crossing the street: 

1/ When crossing, children should always cross in front of the Patroller, never behind them, as they cannot see what’s going on and cannot control the situation.

2/ Never run – the Patroller will stand in the middle of the crossing until everybody has safely crossed. Running can cause hazards such as tripping and falling in the middle of the road.

3/ Never wait at the edge of the road – sometimes cars travel too close to the curb and can catch a child. 

4/ Children should only start crossing when the Patroller says it is safe to do so, not just run across when the green man appears.
The children are aware of these rules as teachers at school regularly remind them. However, parents need to be aware as well so that they can reinforce these rules when crossing with their kids or remind older children who are crossing without a parent.
Thank you!