The show follows Masterchef’s Gregg Wallace & award winning greengrocer Chris Bavin on a mission to prove that it is possible for families to save moneyon their food budget without scrimping on taste and nutrition. They hope that by analysing the shopping habits of UK families, they can help to show where we can source the best and cheapest quality food.
Eating healthily and to a budget is something we feel affects most of us and we’d be really grateful if you could help us spread the word about the new series amongst your families at your school and staff by perhaps circulating a flyer or sharing something in a newsletter. I have attached a copy of the flyer to this email and we can also post paper copies out to the school if you would prefer.
If you think you know any families/households that may be interested in appearing on the programme, please do pass on our details.
Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
The Eat Well For Less Team
Get in touch to apply or find out more!
0117 970 7661
Or e-mail:
Any views or opinions are entirely those of the author