Important Dates

22nd February – Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, Girls Brigade can come to school dressed in their uniforms for ‘Thinking Day’.  We extend this invitation to include Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Boys Brigade.

3rd March – World Book Day – The pupil council decided that children should dress as their favourite book character and bring along a book which is special to them.

4th March – Musicians Concert – for all those who receive music tuition in school.  The choir will also sing.  Takes place at 10.00 at the church

5th March – Aberdeen Robert Burns Competition at Cults Academy – a letter will be put home shortly to those involved (made up of P4, P5, P6, and P7)

10th March – P5/6 to run a second-hand book stall for pupils.  Books will be priced between 20p and £1.  All donations welcome.

18th March – Inter-schools cross country competition for P5, P6 and P7 – selected pupils will receive letters soon (36 pupils will attend this event)

24th March – P4S, P4/5T and P5T to have a Science Open Afternoon for parents.

24th March – P5/6 and P6 to run a Victorian Tea Party with songs for parents of these classes.  Details to follow.

25th March – Good Friday – holiday

31st March – Archie in Africa Day – The Rights Respecting Steering Group have decided that this is a ‘dress as you please’ day.

1st April – last day of term.  We will have a Spring Service at the church starting at 10.00