World Kidney Day – Friday 13th March-P3/4

On Friday the 13th March P3/4 are hosting a fundraising morning in aid of World Kidney Day.  This is a cause close to the hearts of P3/4 pupils as one of their peers has had two operations regarding his kidney in the past year.

Pupils from all classes will be able to come and buy second hand toys and books as well as raffle tickets.  These are also on sale throughout the week.

We ask for donations for the above as well as giving your child a small sum of money to spend.  As a guide raffles tickets will cost 50p or 3 for a £1.  Toys, books etc will range from 20p to 60p.  Larger donations in good condition may cost more.

P3/4, P3S, P4K and  P4 S parents are invited for tea/coffee and cakes between 11.00 a.m. and 12 a.m. – P3/4 will be baking especially!

Children in P3/4 may dress up in the World Kidney Day colours – blue and yellow.

Thank you in anticipation of your support

Mr Timmins (class teacher)