Staffing News

Staffing News

We have some teaching staff leaving us this year.

 Firstly, we would like to let you know that Miss Linskaill has been successful at interview and has been appointed to a Depute Head Teacher post in Glasgow. As a result she will not be returning to Ferryhill School, as planned, from her secondment which was due to end this month.

Mr McGregor and Miss Hutcheon are also leaving us this summer to take up posts at other primary schools in Aberdeen.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their hard work that they have given to Ferryhill School and wish them well in their new posts.

 We also have some new staff joining us.

We would like to welcome Miss Skinner who will be teaching our P4/5 class. Mr Timmins who will be teaching our P3/4 class and Miss Ali who will be teaching one of our P2 classes.

 Finally, we would like to congratulate Mr Miah and Miss Burnett who were successful at interview and are now permanent members of the staff team here at Ferryhill.

 If there are any other changes in our staffing we will let you know in due course.