Newsletter – December

Newsletter – December 2013

Dear Parents/ Carers

As this term comes to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support throughout 2013. We hope that you all have a relaxing and happy festive break and look forward to seeing everyone again in the New Year.

Staffing News

Congratulations go to Miss Royle who was successful at interview and has been appointed as Acting Head Teacher at Greenbrae School. It is planned for her to take up this role in the New Year and she will be there for approximately 18 months. In her absence Mrs. MacPherson will continue in her role as Acting Depute Head Teacher.


If your child is to be absent we would appreciate if you could make contact with the school to let us know. The office is very busy in the mornings so a message left on the school answerphone is sufficient if you can’t get through.

In the New Year we will be starting to use a new system for making contact with parents/ carers regarding absence. In the first instance we would still ask you to let us know by phone if your child is absent. For any pupil we have not had contact about, a text message will be sent out. Parents/ carers will be able to respond to the text message giving the reason for the absence. This will happen for every day of the absence unless we have been told that it is known that your child is going to be off for a specified period.


A very big thank you to everyone who has given up their time to help raise funds for the school. The most recent events have been a great success. The school Christmas fair raised £4100, a fantastic amount!  Also, a cheque arrived in the school today for £300 from the Bag 2 School initiative. We will keep you informed about how the money has been spent to enhance the learning experiences in the school.


The Nursery was visited by the Care Inspectorate recently as part of their inspection process. As a result of the visit the Nursery team received a very good report which is now available for everyone to view on the Care Inspectorate website. Well done to everyone for their hard work which is recognised in the report

End of Term Service

Just a reminder that our end of term Christmas service is on Friday 20th December at Ferryhill Church. It is due to start at 10.30am. Please feel free to come along and join the school for this service.

 Term Dates

  • Term Ends – Friday 20 December 2013
  • Christmas Holiday – Monday 23 December 2013 to Friday 3 January 2014


  • Term starts – Monday 6 January 2014
  • In-Service Day – Friday 14th February 2014 (School closed to pupils)
  • Mid Term Holiday  – Monday 17 February 2014 (School closed)
  • In-Service Day – Tuesday 18th February 2014 (School closed to pupils)
  • Term Ends – Friday 4 April 2014