All posts by Ms Walker

Eco Day – Friday 3rd June

We had a marvellous day today.

We have all been focusing on Water today.

We started the day with an assembly which encouraged us to save water.  See the ‘Let’s Go Save Water Song’ here.

We also had a visit from the Flood management Engineers from Aberdeen City Council who awarded prizes for the Water Safety Leaflet competition that was held for P3-P7.

The winners are pictured with Calum and Will.


Classes then set off to do different activities:

P4 went pond dipping at the Burnie.  We were supported by Jen the Country Ranger and  a group of parents who were fantastic at pond dipping! They had a great time in the Burnie!

Jane, our Eco Parent Rep, joined us for all of the pond dipping sessions which was a huge support for the children and the teachers – thank you.

Some of the children made Nature Art too!  Can you see the Stick Man and The Crocodile?


Cordelia Menmuir from SEPA Floodline came to play the Flood Game with P5/6, P6 and P7.  The children had to decide on the areas that would be prone to flooding and decide where things would be in a town that floods.

P5/6 were awarded the Puddles mascot for putting in so much effort into the activity – well done P5/6!









Primary 1 and the Early Learning Classes had fun exploring with water today.  They were splashing, pouring, sinking, floating and best of all – learning!


Primary 5 also went out Pond Dipping to the Burnie.  They were fantastic at finding all the wee creatures that live in the Burnie. They also created a Nature Art Gallery and Museum!


Primary 3 went with Jen the Countryside ranger in the afternoon.  The Burnie had filled up with all the rainwater but they still had fun and found lots.

Local Recycling Facilities at Grove Household Waste Recycling Centre


As we all know, it is good to recycle items of plastic, paper, glass and clothing by using the kerbside service, going to the recycling area at Tescos or using our clothes recycling bin at school.  BUT, did you know that there is also a fantastic facility at Hazlehead where you can put items to be REUSED.  An article about Grove Household Waste Recycling Centre appeared in Aberdeen City Council’s  Green Times Newsletter recently.

A new reuse container at Grove Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) in Hazlehead is being well used by residents. More than eight tonnes of goods have been donated to the facility since it opened in April.  Too many good quality items end up in landfill when they could be reused and given a second life. The new container at Grove HWRC makes it easy to pass on good quality items or reuse. If you are updating furniture or having a clear out, you can take any unwanted items along to the recycling centre.  You can donate:


household items,

bikes and sports equipment

at the container, although no electrical items can be accepted.  Local charity Blythswood Care collects all donated items, and either sells them on in its network of shops or gives them directly to  people in need. Reuse is an environmentally-friendly option and increasing reuse will help to meet the goal of Aberdeen becoming a zero waste city.


Grove HWRC is open from 10am until 7.45pm Monday to Friday and from 9am until 7.45pm at weekends.

For more information, visit

ECO Rap competition

The Eco Committee decided that our ECO Rap needed to be livened up a bit as it had no illustrations to catch people’s eye.

We asked everyone in the school to illustrate the rap and the winning entries would be used around the school.

The winning entries were:

Neetu P7












Kiera P7













Hanna P7










SO look around the school to see if you can spot them.

October 2015 Update

It’s been a while since we’ve updated this page but we have been very busy!


We carried out a survey to find out if we have a litter problem in our school.

We asked Mr King, our janitor, to stop picking up litter for a whole week and each day a class went out to pick up litter to see how much litter was being dropped each day by pupils at break time.

It was quite a surprise for us to learn that we do have a litter problem as nearly 2Kg of litter was collected over the week, most of it plastic bottles.  This also showed us that Mr King does a fantastic job cleaning up litter.

The Eco-committee met on 21st September and came up with an action plan to lessen the litter in our playground.

  1. Create posters to remind people to put their rubbish in the bin or recycle it.
  2. Appoint litter monitors to remind people and monitor the litter each week
  3. Provide some additional bins for plastic bottle recycling.
  4. Do another week of litter picking next term to see if has improved.



We have been awarded £500 from The Aberdeen Greenspaces Board to create a wildlife garden in our grounds.

This will be created over the next 3 terms with an official opening in June 2016.  We hope this will be an area that will provide a rich learning area as well as providing wildlife with a home in our grounds.

If any of you have expertise in gardening, building, landscaping etc please contact Mrs Walker as your help would be greatly appreciated.

Next term, we plan to hold a grounds afternoon and invite parents to come along and help us to create pathways in the garden area.  So look out your wellies and spades!


There have been safety issues before and after school regarding parking.  The Parent Council, Mrs Webb, the community wardens, the ECO Committee and the Staff and pupils from Holy Family School are all going to work together to find a solution to the parking problems.  They will be creating a leaflet for parents to advise them on safe parking and also to provide them with information on Park & Stride options around the school.

The recent Hands Up Survey showed that we still have high levels of healthy travel to school.  Last session we found out that P6 came 3rd in Scotland for cycle journeys  to school over a selected week.  This was fantastic news!

We are also hoping to get an additional cycle shelter for the senior end of the playground – we are waiting to find out if our application has been successful.




On a Friday we encourage everyone to bring in a healthy snack.  The numbers in each class are counted and the winning class is announced each week in assembly.  The winning class also gets an extra playtime!  It’s easy to have a healthy snack – we have a healthy tuckshop in school every Friday before 9am.  Come along and see what we have to offer!