5 a day Friday

Our Eco reps, Molly and Teigan, went along to the 5 a day Friday tuck shop to see what goes on and interview the volunteers.


They were working hard when they got there. The stall was all set up and they were starting to serve customers.

5 a day friday Ellie 5 a day Friday Laura

Teigan took the photographs while Molly asked them three questions.

  1. What do you do on 5 a day Friday?

You have to bring fruit to school so you can have a healthy snack.

2. What do you sell at the tuck shop?

We sell breakfast biscuits, popcorn, pancakes, fruit and drinks. Most things are about 30p.

3. How do you earn a certificate for your class?

If you have fruit or  a healthy snack from tuck shop for your snack then you are counted and the class with the highest number of children having healthy snacks on a Friday gets the certificate.

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