Tag Archives: experiments

Science Week

Science and Engineering week ran from 18th to 23rd of March.  We were looking at materials and whether they were soluble or insoluble, we tested this by carrying out experiments and recording our findings.

Holly and Ammie accurately measuring.

 We all had to work in pairs to test different materials like sugar, coffee, sand and lots more .  We had to predict whether the material would dissolve.

Dylan and James working together.

 We also got to find out about different liquids and their density.  We did  this by creating lava lamps, we discovered that water is more dense that vegetable oil. 

When we were chatting about it we all thought that the oil would be heavier because it looks thicker. 

It surprised a lot of us to find the oil at the top of our lava lamps.  

We all loved making our lava lamps.