Our First Week Back

Keep going boys and girls this is the last part of our ICT lesson, and all you have to do is leave a comment on this post about your first week back at school.

It could be:

  • something you have enjoyed doing
  • something interesting you learnt
  • what you are looking forward to this term

13 thoughts on “Our First Week Back”

  1. I enjoyed watching the videos about different religions. I thought it was really interesting. I do not usualy like R.M.E.

  2. i liked pe on monday because i really like pe so it was good and when we whare blind folded and i liked buddas

  3. i think it was good i liked listening gangsta granny and i am looking forward to learning about the human body and i liked being blindfolded and walking around the classroom.

  4. I engoyed doing the blindfold thing.I also engoyed making the teacher poems.I liked our new class novel Gangsta granny.It was verry fun being back and seing my friends.It was even more fun than i thaught.And i really Engoyed the sweet game.

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