Star Writers

We have been concentrating on writing narrative stories during our writing lessons. 

Star Writers for week of 18th March 2012

Holly, James and Reece were our star writers when we were concentrating on setting the scene for our stories.   Here are a few lines from each of their stories:

Holly, “As the clouds became grey Kirsty walked to the rock on the left.  Then she suddenly heard chains breaking.  There was a strange shadow, it came closer and closer but Kirsty knew it was nothing.  Then Kirsty heard someone scream.  She got a torch out her purse and travelled to the green house.  The ten year old was frightened…”

James, ” I go inside a big building to escape the hot sun.  It sounds like coins falling as I enter the building and I see lots of colourful flashing lights.  There’s lots of people in the building playing games that have toys in them.  I check my pocket to see if I have money…”

Reece, “I went on the swings, it felt so nice that the wind was drifting in my face, it made me feel calm and peaceful.  My sister came and I played a good game of tig and tag with her, it was fun…

Science Week

Science and Engineering week ran from 18th to 23rd of March.  We were looking at materials and whether they were soluble or insoluble, we tested this by carrying out experiments and recording our findings.

Holly and Ammie accurately measuring.

 We all had to work in pairs to test different materials like sugar, coffee, sand and lots more .  We had to predict whether the material would dissolve.

Dylan and James working together.

 We also got to find out about different liquids and their density.  We did  this by creating lava lamps, we discovered that water is more dense that vegetable oil. 

When we were chatting about it we all thought that the oil would be heavier because it looks thicker. 

It surprised a lot of us to find the oil at the top of our lava lamps.  

We all loved making our lava lamps.

World Book Day

Here are some of our ideas for our class door.

World Book Day was a few weeks ago now, but we had lots of fun dressing up as bears.  We also took part in a competition to decorate our door.  Each class came up with a different door based on one of our favourite books. 

We were given the task as homework and then we all voted for our favourite one. 

Finlay won with his Diary of a Wimpy Kid design.  So we all set about deciding how we could transfer his design from the paper to our door.  We think it was great fun and we love that the door has a usable book on it! 

A view with the book pages not open
Here is our finished design.