Term One

P6S Class Blog

Welcome to our first class blog.  We have had a fantastic first term in P6 and have included photos of some of our highlights, so far. Class members will be sharing our news and views over the course of P6.

We are looking forward to having our student, Mr Thompson in class, next term. He will be with us until the 30th November, then from the 7th to 25th of January.

I very much enjoyed meeting everyone who was able to attend our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session and look forward to our parent interviews next term.

Mrs Stewart

All About Us

We wrote personal acrostic poems to express thoughts and feelings about our individual qualities, interests etc. We used powerful, descriptive words, similes and alliteration where appropriate. We hope you enjoyed reading them!



Our Debate

Early this term, we had a debate about whether or not it is cruel to keep animals in zoos.  We were split into two teams and we had to find evidence to share and evaluate in our teams. We chose the most outstanding pieces of evidence for the speakers to present in the debate. We all worked well together. Our speakers and team leaders carried out their duties brilliantly!

The results are in and it was … A DRAW!


Purple Day for Clan

For Purple Day, our school dressed in purple for Clan. Clan is a marvellous Cancer charity that helps families that have a family member with cancer.

We raised £716.53!


Cressida Cowell

We really enjoyed our ‘Authors’ Live’ interview with Cressida Cowell, on Wednesday the 12th of September. We wrote a thank you letter to her for giving such an inspiring interview.  Now we are enjoying doing ‘Free Writing Friday’ where we get to write about anything we choose, as suggested by Cressida.


Our Winning Google Product

All three Primary 6 classes got split into teams to think of a new product or app to help in school. We all made a PowerPoint/advert to present to the class, but only one team from each class went to the final to present their idea to all the P6 pupils. The team that won this P6 challenge was from our class. ‘The Language Bear’ was made by Nathan, Cate and Crystal!  It was a wonderful experience to have!


Jobs for the Future?

We all researched an interesting and unusual job to present to the class. We had to find what skills you need, what the job is, what it does and whether you would want this job in the future or not. We found everyone’s presentations really interesting!

By Maya, Mhairi and Cate!