7A/D were challenged to create authentic WWII air raid shelters using mainly recycled materials, that had a footprint of no more than an A4 piece of paper. Here are their creations! 😀
March 4, 2019
by Gayle Allan
March 4, 2019
by Gayle Allan
7A/D were challenged to create authentic WWII air raid shelters using mainly recycled materials, that had a footprint of no more than an A4 piece of paper. Here are their creations! 😀
March 3, 2019
by Gayle Allan
Homework instructions  Monday 4th March 2019 Complete the task that you have been given on using speech marks. Watch these clips to remind you how to punctuate direct speech in your writing. Astronaut Vicky animation 3.56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-YFmLctwDY Bitesize 1.32 https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/clips/zvftsbk Bring your … Continue reading
March 2, 2019
by Gayle Allan
 Thursday 7/3/19 is World Book Day. During our morning E.R.I.C. (Everyone Reading In Class) time, we are going to have a Reading Menu, where there will be a variety of texts available to choose from, these will include – novels, … Continue reading